Will Police & Chennai Corporation Do Any Traffic Regulations In ECR?

Last week we had posted about the Traffic Caused By Cars in ECR, it was shared by many viewers but it never reached the police. I'm a regular traveller in ECR during nights on Saturday and Sunday alone near Panayur there is a metro water work going (more than 6 months) which has been barricaded …

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Christianity Origin & History, How Christianity Came To India!

Christianity is a monotheistic religion that emerged in the Middle East in the 1st century AD. It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, a Jewish teacher and religious figure who was born in Bethlehem, in the region of Judea, around 4 BC. Monotheistic: "relating to or characterized by the belief that …

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First People lived in India dates back to 2 million years

In previous post we have seen Telugu, Hindi, Tamil & Hindi people are came from outside India. Then we have this question which group of people lived in India. We have searched and found following results. Paleolithic Era : Wikipedia The first human habitation in India dates back to the Paleolithic era, around 2 million …

Continue reading First People lived in India dates back to 2 million years