Mysterious Skeleton Lake In India

Skeleton Lake, also known as Roopkund Lake, is a high-altitude lake located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand state in India. The lake is situated at an altitude of 5,029 meters above sea level and is surrounded by snow-covered peaks, making it a popular trekking destination. However, the lake has gained notoriety for the mysterious …

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Parota Is Good Or Bad?

Parotta originated in the Jaffna,Sri Lanka. The workers from there introduced it as "Veechu Porotta" or "Ceylon Porotta" in coastal Tamil Nadu region of India. Parotta became popular all over Kerala during the late 1960s or the early 1980s. Parota has become a staple food in many households and is often served with a variety …

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Christianity Origin & History, How Christianity Came To India!

Christianity is a monotheistic religion that emerged in the Middle East in the 1st century AD. It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, a Jewish teacher and religious figure who was born in Bethlehem, in the region of Judea, around 4 BC. Monotheistic: "relating to or characterized by the belief that …

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Mewati robbers origin and history, now in Tamilnadu

Mewati robbers refer to a group of criminals who are said to operate in the Mewat region of India, which encompasses parts of Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The origins of this group of robbers is not entirely clear, as it is believed to be a loose network of individuals rather than a formal organization. …

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First People lived in India dates back to 2 million years

In previous post we have seen Telugu, Hindi, Tamil & Hindi people are came from outside India. Then we have this question which group of people lived in India. We have searched and found following results. Paleolithic Era : Wikipedia The first human habitation in India dates back to the Paleolithic era, around 2 million …

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