Traffic Caused By Cars In ECR, Chennai

ECR is one of the places well known in Chennai for resorts and vacation mostly on Saturday and Sunday many people visit these resorts in ECR

Nowadays cars have become a common thing for everyone even a middle class can afford a car that means their standard of living, some of the common issues India faces due to cars are as follows

Traffic Congestion

India is known for its traffic congestion in major cities, which is caused by a high number of cars on the roads, inadequate infrastructure, and poor traffic management. This not only leads to frustration among commuters but also results in a loss of productivity and economic activity.

Air Pollution

Cars are a significant source of air pollution in India. The increasing number of cars on the roads has resulted in a rise in air pollution levels, which has serious health implications for people living in cities.

Road Safety

India has one of the highest rates of road accidents in the world, with a large number of fatalities and injuries caused by car accidents. This is due to several factors, including poor road conditions, lack of driver education, and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws.

Dependence on Imported Fuel

India is heavily dependent on imported fuel to meet its energy needs. The increasing number of cars on the roads has resulted in a rise in demand for fuel, which has serious implications for India’s energy security and balance of payments.

To address these problems, the Indian government has implemented several measures such as promoting the use of electric vehicles, improving public transportation, and increasing awareness about road safety. However, more needs to be done to address these issues and ensure sustainable mobility in the country. The Indian government has brought strict rules but still these car walas escape from all these rules.

Problems Created By Cars On Roads

Previously in one post about the traffic 🚦 rules and how cars should follow many years back. Now everywhere in Chennai we have Some of the common issues created by car owners

L Board Drivers

L board or new drivers are common problem we could see everywhere in Chennai. Mostly these people are well educated but they drive with LLR and mostly are new drivers. These people cause many accidents on the road without any supervision. The government should take action on these kinds of people.

Violation Of Traffic Rules

In the above image you could see cars are waiting in signal but not the proper way they have all the roads without leaving space for small vehicles. This is a severe offence but no one cares as the traffic police also don’t care about this. If the traffic police took this as a serious issue and instruct all traffic violating cars with warning & fine this will never happen

Lane cutting & Opposite Driving

This is quite common in Chennai & also in overall tamilnadu, car drivers will always find a shortcut to overtake vehicles whenever they have a chance. They also take the path of two wheelers where only a two wheeler could, often forget that they are driving a car. In Mumbai and other metropolitan cities cutting lanes and driving opposite is a serious offence, they will be fined and imprisoned. Chennai must also bring up this specially for car drivers.

Today (02nd April 2023) Sunday ECR road is fully covered only by cars in about 90% only 10% is other vehicles why doesn’t the government do anything about this?

ECR traffic jam by cars 02.04.2023

As they are coming to enjoy the vacation and about this tourism category can build more toll gates or make some place to collect cash from these vehicle entries and this amount could be used for tourism development

The government has brought one of the great rules bringing paid parking in roads keeping above in mind must bring more strict rules

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