Tamilnadu government fails

Lets see about tamilnadu weakness and failed policies of tamilnadu. Tamilnadu is well known place all around the world due to many reasons best tourist spots found due to our great kings did best architecture works and now they had became tourist spots what tamilnadu government did lets take a look.

After Gst entered into tamilnadu every individual person started complaining about failed tamilnadu government. They not only failed on gst alone they also failed on many other sectors.

1. Transport:

Tamilnadu transport facility is the worlds worst facility even seen. Every government starts transport facilty only for poor people but tamilnadu government starts bus mainly for high standard people now a days there is only more number delux buses and cheaters change the name as delux bus in ordinary and collect amount of delux bus. Tamilnadu government failed in providing transport facility 

2. Water:

Water is one of the main element for any person to live on . Tn failed to provoide water facility for tn people they are still struggling to get water from mullai periar dam the issue with kerala and karnataka still going on. Tamilnadu government failed to save the river waters , lake waters , water resources latest we had posted about palar river in this page.
Chennaities now are in a dangerous sututaion of drinking powder mixed water cans which are only way they can to escape from thirsty. Tamilnadu Government failed in water providing.

3. Food & Food based materials:

Food and food materials must be in the hands of government but niw its in the hands of private companies. Now there are many chemical added masala’s and food which are prepared in private hotels are also not provoiding healthy foods. Tamilnadu Government failed in food service.

4. Education:

Education system of tamilnadu a major field tamilnadu government failed. Every state try to provoide 100% education in action but tamilnadu is the only government where private schools have more admission than govt schools. Private school admission are also only for top level people , admission fees for these private schools are in lacks . Many private schools are selling education instead of provoiding it. Tamilnadu government failed to provoide good education.

5. Security to people :

Security to people in tamilnadu is really a big question people around when comes to tamilnadu they will wounder how this much crimes are happening in tamilnadu, newspapers and tvs are now only concentrating mainly on sensitive issues only. Some of police attrovities are shown in below pictures.

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